
Implementing a Neural Network Genetic Algorithm

Project Goal:

To develop a framework that would allow me to create, train, and test neural networks which I had programmed myself.

Technical Skills Involved:

  1. Python programming
  2. Working with OpenAI Gym Framework
  3. Neural Network creation and genetic algorithms

Technical Overview:

I created a python program that would allow me to use the genetic algorithm to train neural networks on various OpenAI Gym challenges. At its base level, the genetic algorithm describes randomly creating a wide range of neural networks and then “breeding” the most successful ones to eventually create a proficient model. In order to create this program, I needed to create my own neural networks which were able to take in input and calculate an output in a nonlinear fashion for which I used a leaky ReLu activation function. I also had to write some code to serve as the API between my program and the OpenAI Gym’s own API. Finally, I created the genetic algorithm that I described above. The code for this project can be found on my github here. It has been able to create models that perform well in the cartpole, mountain car, mountain car continuous, pendulum, lunar lander, acrobot, and bipedal walker environments.

Although it is not fully completed, I have also begun experimenting with using the NEAT algorithm to make my program be able to adapt to a problem of varying complexity on its own. NEAT stands for NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (read the original white paper here) and it explores a way to make the structure of a neural network evolve alongside the weights and biases that traditionally change during training.

Project Process:

This project was an entirely personal project that I took on because of my interest in machine learning. I completed it mostly over the summer of 2022 as a way to continue exploring computer science and specifically machine learning. I had always heard about neural networks and had recently started to read about the genetic algorithm, and I figured that it would be easier and more fun to learn about these concepts through actually using them than through just books/videos. I had already had some experience with OpenAI Gym through my research project, so this was a natural place for me to turn.

There were several challenges that I encountered while programming this project. For example, different OpenAI gym environments have different action and observation spaces, meaning that I had to work to make my program as generalizable as possible. Additionally, there was a fair amount of tuning in order to get the model to evolve correctly. In some of the more complicated environments, I needed to teach it some skills in series in order to get a successful model. For example, the Lunar Lander environment is challenging because the majority of neural networks will simply crash into the ground, making a significant barrier for the evolution to get over. Although this is likely possible to overcome through a combination of smarter parameters, luck, and brute force, I instead trained the model to first learn how to maximize time in the “air” before it attempted to deal with landing.

In the end, I had a lot of fun with this project. I love watching the models evolve, and it was an incredible feeling to come back after several hours and see a lunar lander flying around the screen after watching it crash over and over again earlier that day. I definitely plan to continue with this type of work in the future, hopefully including an implementation of the NEAT algorithm described above.